A boca do homem sempre diz o que vem do seu coração. A inteligência e a razão, as vezes não são suficientes para sobrepujar seus impulsos mais loucos...
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HC de Souza
Escritor & Mestre em MTC
quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2014
Ciumento/Ciumenta by HC de Souza
the excessivejealouscarries within it from the beginningof the relationship thedestructionof the samekey.
itsuffers andtortureday and nightfinding that your lovebetrayedandaccumulatesa ragewithin itselfbaselessly
takes itspartner ashis / hercontroland his footstepstransferringhis madness to feel better
recognizethat in itselfiswisdom thatcomes to savenot onlythe relationship, butbrings Peacelostalong the way
recognize,issave yourselfcausing change that will bringthe peace thatGod can give
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